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12/01/2014 - Donegal County Council is once again sponsoring this years Donegal Sports Star Awards


Donegal County Council is once again sponsoring this years Donegal Sports Star Awards and the Mayor of Donegal Cllr. Ian McGarvey is delighted with the Councils long standing association with these awards.


“This is the 38th Year of the Donegal Sports Star Awards and Donegal County Council has been associated with these awards for a long number of years.  Donegal is a sporting county and these awards have been and continue to be the highlight of the year for sport in Donegal.  It is only right that we take the time to recognise and celebrate the hard work and dedication of our sports stars and of their remarkable achievements in their own chosen sport”. 


He added “I am delighted that John Delaney, Chief Executive Officer of the FAI will be the special guest at this years award ceremony.  John has himself made a massive contribution to the development of sport and in particular soccer at not only a national level but also at local grassroots level and we are delighted that he will be joining us at the awards ceremony on Friday 31 January”.


The great thing about these awards is that they not only recognise the achievements of our sports stars but also of the people who have helped them and supported them along the way. 


Seamus Neely, County Manager believes that the awards are also a way of recognising the many unsung heros in our county who work tirelessly in the many sports clubs and organisations we have in Donegal. 


Speaking this week Mr Neely said “These volunteers are the foundation of the sporting community in Donegal.  Without their efforts, their drive and commitment and their love of sport in their local communities, we would not have the calibre of sports stars in Donegal that we have today.  I am delighted that the Donegal Sports Star Awards Committee recognise and value this contribution and it is one of the reasons why Donegal County Council is and has been for many years the main sponsor of these awards.


The Awards Ceremony will take place on Friday 31 January in the Mount Errigal Hotel and Mayor Ian McGarvey wishes all the nominees the very best of luck.  He also paid tribute and congratulated the Donegal Sports Star Awards committee who puts in trojan work each year to make these awards a reality saying “this awards only take place each year because of the

trojan work done by the committee members and I would like to salute the work they do and efforts they make to recognise and celebrate the wonderful sports people that we have in this county”.




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